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Advertising Rates

  • Eighth Page Advertisement

    1/8 Page Advert In Northants Horse Magazine
    Valid for 6 months
    • Includes:
    • Printed Magazine Advert
    • Digital Magazine Advert
    • Online Business Directory Listing
    • Social Media Promotion
    • Ad Size H 6.5cm x W 9.2cm
  • Quarter Page Advertisement

    1/4 Page Advert In Northants Horse Magazine
    Valid for 6 months
    • Includes:
    • Printed Magazine Advert
    • Digital Magazine Advert
    • Online Business Directory Listing
    • Social Media Promotion
    • Ad Size H 13.5cm x W 9.2cm
  • Half Page Advertisement

    1/2 Page Advert In Northants Horse Magazine
    Valid for 6 months
    • Includes:
    • Printed Magazine Advert
    • Digital Magazine Advert
    • Online Business Directory Listing
    • Social Media Ad Share
    • Ad Size H 27.5cm x W 9.2cm (Portrait)
    • Ad Size H 13.5cm x W 19cm (Landscape)
  • Full Page

    1 Page Advert In Northants Horse Magazine
    Valid for 6 months
    • Includes:
    • Printed Magazine Advert
    • Digital Magazine Advert
    • Online Business Directory Listing
    • Social Media Ad Share
    • Your magazine advert featured on the website
    • Ad Size H 27.5cm x W 19cm
    • Ad Size H 29.7cm x W 21cm (Full Page + 4mm Bleed)

If you are providing your own artwork then please email your file as either JPEG, PNG or PDF. Files must be high resolution and PDF’s must be created with embedded fonts and then published as a PDF/X-1a which is industry standard pdf for print. Artwork should be produced using CMYK colour. All images must be at least 300dpi.

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